Saturday, August 22, 2009


Earth is part of the cosmos, and most of our false science started right down here. Our National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration tells us all about how graupel (flying slush) brings on lightning. Actually, the electrical conditions that bring on lightning also happen to bring on the formation of graupel As ice crystals attain greater charge during a storm, the negative ions, which are all restricted to the surface of the crystals, overcome more of the gravitational action that has produced the crystallization, and the surface water can liquefy at temperatures as low as -40 degrees Celsius. When the ion density has reached such levels that such supercooled liquid water is present, another effect of the electricity is production of lightning bolts.

Crediting the graupel for bringing on lightning is like explaining that pain can break bones! One good kick in the butt can bring pain. Successive kicks in the butt can break the butt. But it is the kicks in the butt that does the breaking, not the pain.

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