Hear tell that the LHC may start up in June of 2009. Explanations of our safety from consequential mini black holes are far over the laymans' heads. We wee folk must just cross our fingers and not to worry about the slack we find twixt truth and tales from the annointed.
Heeding repolarization, we can know they don't know of Earth's positive core that would early-on delay any conspicuous implosion of both hemispheres in the name of science.
A train of mini black holes filing down to Earth's center one second apart, gobbling up matter all the way down, would leave us saying "so far so good" right up to their assimilation of the last lonesome protons. Only until then would a conglomerate little black hole decline further feeding by repelling its would-be repast. Old Fort Knox would meet the Taj Mahal and China's Great Wall.
Don't really know, but am taking my last chance to say so.
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