Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sun shining and spotting

Sunspot activities demonstrate a normally suppressed regenerative trait of stellar plasma fusion: Plasma fusion leads to production of heat and increased heat increases fusion. Normally, a close regulation of luminosity is provided for our sun at the depths where fusion proceeds.

Temperature of fusing plasma becomes pegged to a single normal value for any given depth where the process occurs. The ideal gas law holds the product of pressure and volume proportional to temperature, and since solar pressure is normally fixed at any given depth, this leaves changes to the volume of fusing plasma alone to vary directly with any change of temperature. Any deviation from normal temperature adjusts the plasma’s volume in the same direction to thereby lift overbearing solar mass in response to overheating, or to permit its descent in response to cooling. Corresponding changes to rate of fusion with temperature circumvent regenerative activity by thus diverting output energy changes into the domain of potential energy instead of heat.

An exception to the constancy of the pressure/depth relationship comes about in the rotational center of swirling masses: The pull of centrifugal force upon such a vortex would reduce solar gas pressure in an extensive column that could penetrate depths given to normal fusion, which might be much more shallow than the central solar core. In consequence, fusion would decelerate to a point of severe underproduction.

In concert with central cooling of a vortex would be effects of a positive pressure gradient surrounding the vortex. At some radius, gas pressure would suffice for fusion that would not be enslaved to the gravitational give and take encountered in normal venues. A sheathing of plasma bearing relatively uncontained rates of fusion would expand into the collapsing center and upwards to break the surface as solar flares. Once the interior collapse subsides as vortex cooling approaches its limit, the sheathing-to-center flow of gasses becomes discontinued to afford normalization toward equilibrium.

A simple sun spot would dimple the surface because of the downdraft and be surrounded with superheated flares that would convey a normal excess of surface electrons upwards at such rates that magnetic fields would form and vary to produce the radio interference we hear so much about.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Insight upon sunspots and their associated solar flares came along as a gift when it came time to find out about hot fusion. Eventual comprehension came about for how such fusion is regulated without the obvious feedback presented by cold fusion. It hardly is expected to occur in the solar core where I expect a core of protons and other nuclei, but must restrict itself to sufficient depths to afford us such regularity. Restraint from destabilizing positive feedback comes from the heavy lifting of overbearing solar matter when an excess of fusion results from over-temperature within a strata. As a consequence, much of the additional energy is applied to the lifting effort accomplished by expansion produced by the heat component of the fusion delta. Global equilibrium is accomplished by the added height to surface imposed by the lifted matter as it bears upon any succeeding thermal rise.

Hence, any expansion due to warming builds up solar dimensions and compression due to cooling is met with compensating heat supplementation as solar matter descends. Isolated incidents of temperature variation might well thus remain under control even under chaotic storms of such thermal disturbance.

A consideration arose for conditions of adjacent bipolar variation whereby plasma compression produced nearby plasma expansion might permit unbridled overall fusion. The sole example of such perturbation seems the occasion of a vortex that would present a sustained pressure gradient. Bingo, that would produce a sunspot replete with solar flares surrounding a cooling central vortex. That would produce a galloping incident of excess fusion but not an unbridled one, because some gradual cooling rate and eventual cessation of contraction at the center would limit surrounding over temperatures and place eventual termination of rampant fusion.

A little browsing brought up an interesting study of a large sunspot. I was big enough of a dimple to nest the earth, and it was thought to have a vortex caused by the catch-all of magnetism. Clearly, very large rotating masses would necessarily contain such a vortex, and the sun's electric charge would supply electrons to climb consequential flairs to produce the magnetics involved. (So many causes do get muddled as effects and vice versa.)

It might be that this knowledge could increase our ability to predict specific sunspot activity.